We give you more free time for yourself

You spend a lot of time to coordinate specialists around you, searching for new treatment options and what to do with your diagnosis.

You get the results of your genetic test but you don’t understand what all these words mean

You would like to learn about new drugs and clinical trials 
for your diagnosis

You have questions about your disease and want answers based on scientific evidence and international best practice

All this and more can be provided by your personal care manager

Your personal care manager will:

  • analyze all you medical information and your questions,
  • prepare a personal care plan – clear plan what to do in coming 3 months,
  • support you during the plan implementation.

How it works


You need to go to the platform 
and register there.

Preparation for the consultation

You need to fill out all the necessary information about patient (you or your kid) that you would like to share with the case manager:

  • upload medical documents,
  • fill out two questionnaires about pregnancy and childhood (if the patient is a child),
  • mark the questions you are interested in to ask your personal care manager and/or write your own.

Sending a request

Use option Share Documents and choose one of our care manager (we will show you options).

Here is our duty!

Within 5 business days Personal care manager will focus on your case to:

  • study all medical information provided by you,
  • research international practice and find doctors, who treat such patients,
  • check international database of clinical trials to inform you about them.

Personal care manager will contact you via WhatsApp to: 

  • address your concerns about care management service,
  • schedule personal Zoom consultation,
  • coordinate payment.

Now we want to meet you online! 

After you’ve made a payment we will organise 1 hour Zoom consultation for you to:

  • present all our findings about your case and disease in general,
  • prepare care plan for coming 3 months together,
  • answer all you questions and address concerns.


Personal care action plan

Final care plan will be available for you
in 2 business days after your online Zoom consultation and will be stored in your personal folder on Rarus Platform.

Care manager will support you 
with the plan implementation: we will answer your questions in WhatsApp during next 3 months!

Our care managers

Elmira Safarova

Elmira holds a PhD in molecular biology and pharmacology from the University of Molecular Genetics Institute.
Our founder and scientific leader, with more than 25 years of experience in scientific technology development, will provide you with detailed information on international best practices and clinical trials currently seeking patients.

Language of consultation: English (preferably), Spanish and Russian.

80 000 CLP / 3 months

Fernanda Perez

Fernanda is a Professional Nurse with specialisation in neuromuscular pathologies, pain and clinical genetics.
Leader of the medical area for LATAM in Rarus Health.
She is also a university lecturer in various health schools and leader of the academic area of the Chilean Federation of Rare Diseases (FECHER).
She is also a patient with a rare disease. She has the ability to explain genetic testing in a simple way, her large network in Latin America and the EU will help you find the right specialists for you.

Spanish (native) and English.

70 000 CLP / 3 months

Do you still have questions?