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Rarus Health
is a trusted partner
for the communities of patients

Orientación para lideres de comunidades, crea registros
recopila información, aboga por el acceso al tratamiento utilizando un enfoque basado en la evidencia de los pacientes.

If you are the leader
an organization of patients, Rarus Health will help you to generate changes to your community

We help you to be visible:

collect data on the number of patients
with specific diseases, the unmet needs and to understand the development of a disease.

Con cifras concretas que respalden a su comunidad, su defensa se basará en pruebas: 
necesidades no cubiertas y comprender el desarrollo de una enfermedad, aportando al desarrollo de políticas públicas basadas en la evidencia.

Does your disease has no specific treatment and are thinking about how to contribute to the development of drugs?

We will help your community plan for a record focused on the patient and their family.

It is difficult to find specialists with experience
in rare diseases in a single place.

Somos un centro virtual dedicado
a la gestión de su enfermedad.

Nuestra tecnología digital ayudará a conectar a su comunidad con un equipo multidisciplinario
de especialistas.

What our users say

"Rarus Health has been a lifesaver for our family and for the whole community of Williams syndrome. Really listened to our problem - difficulty chewing - and made the effort to develop a digital diary of food specialized for our children.
It has been an invaluable experience. Not only we have been in contact with experienced professionals, but they have also created a clinical virtual simplify our daily tasks. Rarus Health has been a trusted partner in our journey."

Veronika Grigorieva (Israel),
mother of Maria, a girl with Williams syndrome and responsible community of patients.

If you want advice on the creation of a registry for communities of patients, leave us your contacts

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