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Personal assistant for caregivers and patients with special health care needs

Digital technologies to improve the quality of life of children and caregivers

We help families to find the fastest way
of diagnosis and treatment, if necessary

Children with disabilities

Children with impaired psychomotor development or uncertain diagnoses

Children with rare genetic diseases

How many times…

have you had to tell your child’s medical history,
do expensive tests and get a series of diagnoses
at different clinics during your complicated medical journey?

We are here to save you time and money,
as well as compile and organize medical data!

Families with rare diseases (orphans)

Getting a diagnosis, it’s the beginning 
of a new journey:

  • disease management
  • visits to many specialists
  • little information about the disease
    and what to do about it

We help to collect your medical history, since you know it better than specialists: the signs that concern you as a caregiver
and your medical documents. We keep your data accessible, secure and unified.

Now you will have your medical history in your possession and you will be able to share it with doctors, nurses and other specialists.

How it works


Register on the Rarus platform

We will explain how we will keep
your medical records and share them
with different specialists.


Answer questions

They will help you remember the most important symptoms and events. 
Doctors call it anamnesis.
We will store it for you. 
Don’t worry about forgetting something 
at the doctor’s office.


Upload the medical documents
you have at home

The system will guide you! 
Do not forget about the photos or videos that you want to show to your doctor!

Benefits of Rarus Health

  • speed of access to information
  • we return the stored data is always
    the property of the patients
  • families will be able to find everything
    in one place before the consultation
  • saving money because there is no need
    to repeat tests
  • make better use of the consultation time

Our users say

Alexander Avadaev,
Evilina's dad
Geek in myopathies science & tech entrepreneur

Feedback from a user of our Rarus Health platform

Do you have questions?

Want to know more?

Need help with Platform?

You still don’t know what to do?

Use the service of a personal care manager and get an action plan from qualified professionals!

Our history

Our founder, Dr. Elmira Safarova, is driven
by her empathy and passion for research and innovation. 

She inspires our team to make a positive impact. 

With their international expertise in biomedical sciences and their understanding of the challenges families face, we develop practical and accessible solutions that can improve
the quality of life
and provide the support the family needs.

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